Big Game Safaris are true believers in creating unique wild experiences for each of it’s guests in Sri Lanka. Creating awareness of the need to preserve and conserve the island’s spectacular wildlife is of vital importance, to ensure that future generations will be able to witness the astounding beauty and variety of Sri Lanka’s natural treasures.

We are always taking in to account the impact that we have on our fragile environment. That’s why we assemble the camp seasonally and dismantle it after 6 months leaving no trace of it behind, minimising the negative impact on the natural environment.

Big Game Safaris have implemented many on-going programmes throughout the country to ensure that the local communities not only protect and conserve their local environment, but that they also benefit from lasting eco-tourism initiatives.

Every adventurous guest who travels on a Big Game Safaris journey, will be making not only a substantial contribution to the conservation efforts already in place to protect Sri Lanka’s natural habitats, but also adding to the growing funds necessary to protect the country’s growing list of endangered animal species.

Big Game Safaris, the truly passionate conservationists.